Was your Thanksgiving marred with overindulgence? The Holidays are a tradition filled with family, fun, food, food, food, alcohol, office sweets, and parties. Leftovers consist of more food which most people GAIN about 3-7 extra pounds during the holidays. During this time some try too hard not to overeat, some struggle with trying to lose weight, and others battle with loneliness and holiday depression. This is why we created the ZERO POUND Challenge which directs your focus/efforts on trying to maintain your current weight in admist of the holiday temptation and challenges. This ulimately makes the most sense and is easier to do for everyone.
With our ZERO POUND challenge program, you will get a package that will guide into gaining no weight which you are still able to enjoy your holidays events.
This package consist of:
1) Unlimited Fitness Bootcamp package
2) Fat Burning Meal Plan
3) Grocery list
4) Restaurant/Going Out Guide
5) Holiday Party Survival Kit (shows you how & what to eat at parties)
6) Weekly Weigh-Ins by your personal trainer
7) Holiday Sugar Food Alternatives List
8) Holiday Cheating Guide
9) Group Support and Accountability
Price: Bootcampers- $97 for 4 weeks with the purchase of at least a 3 times a week (12 session) package.
Note: If you are doing the 2 FOR 1, You can both split the cost of this package.
Note: After Signing Up Please text 917-476-9352 so we can send you the program ASAP.